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LinkedIn Advertising

Your LinkedIn advertising agency. Sister London is a LinkedIn advertising agency based in London, the hub for connecting with professionals and B2B audience targeting. We leverage LinkedIn to drive awareness, traffic and leads. 

Our Approach:

We create LinkedIn campaigns that are tailored to your business. Our paid social media advertising team run the end-to-end management of your LinkedIn campaigns, from strategy, through to set-up and reporting. We are also on-hand to provide technical support including tracking and campaign measurement. 

LinkedIn targeting has the potential to get your business seen whilst utilising targeting to engage and leverage niche professional audiences. LinkedIn is one of the biggest professional social media networking sites, this means that for every campaign set-up we can target niche professional networks effectively. 

Our test and refine approach means that we are constantly optimising and refining our LinkedIn campaigns. We track and optimise campaigns daily to reduce wasted paid advertising spend and optimise delivery. 

Why LinkedIn Advertising?

A platform built for professionals. LinkedIn is a platform that allows for hyper-targeted, niche audience targeting, this means that once you have identified your niche customer and audience we can craft a campaign with specific messaging and ad creative targeted to this specific audience.

LinkedIn enables you to target key decision makers within target brands, generates leads and conversions and works as an additional touchpoint at all stages of the funnel.

As an integrated digital marketing agency we can help you scale and deliver growth via LinkedIn. Are you interested in getting started? Get in touch here.

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